Thursday, December 3, 2009

A "Duh!" Moment

Okay friends, it is story time...

Once upon a time there were two sisters who fancied themselves "silly". One day, while on vacation together with their husbands, these so-called "silly" sisters decided they wanted to start a business designing invitations.

With their husbands and families full support, they dove right in and began with all the technicalities of owning a business, i.e) business license, sellers permit, bank accounts, etc. They even thought of an adorable name for their business, "Silly Sisters Stationary".

Now, as cute as this name seemed to be, they would one day receive an email from a friend pointing out that, while the name is clever and creative, it is SPELLED WRONG!!!

Fast forward to today....

Yes folks, we had a "Duh!" moment. Stationery as most of you probably know, is spelled with an "E" not an "A". While we are planning on being "stationary" (not going anywhere), we have corrected our mistake and we are officially a "stationery" business.

Goodbye "Silly Sisters Stationary" and HELLO to "Silly Sisters Stationery!"


  1. Oh why Hello Silly Sisters Stationery!! Much better name. What a good friend lookin out for you guys ;)

    P.s. your "About Me" is staying put...

  2. I didn't sleep at all last night Kathrina! But, thanks for pointing it out. My mom was like, "I can't believe we all missed that!". I can. DUH! Thanks again!

  3. Congrats on your new business! How do I set up a consultation to order some stationery?
